Swedish Singles Looking to Mingle Online

The Swedes are known for being early adaptors of technology and it’s no different when it comes to embracing Swedish online dating sites. Swedish dating sites are a convenient way of meeting thousands of singles in one place. This is especially great if you want to meet people outside your circle of friends in big cities like Stockholm, or if you want to meet people from a different town if you feel you already know all the singles in the town you’re from. And let’s face it: there are plenty of small towns in Sweden. For those coming from abroad to work in Sweden dating sites are of course a great way to meet new people.
When Swedish dating websites first launched a gazillion light years ago, people were concerned about security. Back then less people used dating sites (the first people to use them were self-confessed computer geeks as it was only natural for them to use the computer for dating as well) and safety wasn’t as big a deal. Today with people using credit cards online, safety has become paramount. And any good Swedish dating site, like Flirttime.com, will have great security measures in place. Another thing to bear in mind when dating is of course to keep private information private. If you give out your full name, your work info, your home address, or ID number and the sorts, people can trace you. You shouldn’t do that with someone you just met in a bar, nor someone you’ve met online. Overall, online dating is as safe as going on a date with someone you met in a bar. You just have to make sure to get to know someone properly before giving out a lot of personal information.
Online dating tips are pretty much the same for Swedish singles as they are for British singles and singles anywhere else. And it’s simple, so don’t worry! First of all, write a nice profile where you share enough about yourself to make people interested. Keep it positive, light hearted and be honest. Before you start with your profile, check out other Swedish online dating profiles. See what makes some profiles so good. And get two friends (two perspectives that is) to help you write your profile if you want. It’s always good with an objective eye. Secondly, add some great photos of yourself; showing different aspects of your life. From parties, to helping out in your parents’ garden, or playing in the snow. Thirdly, get active. Browse the site to find singles who match your interests and what you’re looking for. Contact the ones that stand out by sending them a short, but personal, message. Get the conversation going!
For a first Swedish date, could it be anything else than a “fika”? It’s simple and will allow you to meet for half an hour to an hour to get a glimpse of your real life selves. On the second date, use your imagination to come up with something fun where you can both relax (i.e. find something you both enjoy). Go ice skating, watch a football match, attend a coffee tasting event, go to a vernissage or do something else that give you something to actually do together. Save the romantic dinner for the third date. Of course, when going on a first and second date, meet in public. One thing we always say to people is to go on two dates, because first impressions are rarely right. We are so overwhelmed by what we want to or don’t want to feel on a first date that we rarely know what’s really going on. Attraction only really happens when you are both relaxed and can both get to see each other for who you really are.